The Common Europe Congress brings together hundreds of Power System experts, users, vendors and like-minded professionals under one roof to network, learn, and share best practices. Education is delivered by industry experts, IBM developers, and like-minded peers. The Congress is designed to welcome networking and conversations to seeking solutions to your IT issues by conversing one-on-one with vendors in the exhibit hall or learning new ideas from casual conversation with your peers.
New for 2019 – Congress will contain both English and German tracks including the pre-Congress workshops.
Education Delivered by Industry-Leading Speakers
2 1/2 Days of education delivered by industry leading speakers. Add a pre-congress workshop for even more in-depth learning! Over 75 sessions offered in the following topic areas:
- Application Development
- Change Management
- DB2 or SQL
- Emerging Technology
- High Availability & Disaster Recovery
- Executive level
- Open Source
- Personal development
- System Management
- Security or compliance
- Storage
- Workshop or Deep Dive
- Other
Pre-Congress Workshops
Many hands-on and deep-dive pre-Congress workshops will also be offered on Sunday 16 June. Take up to 2 workshops before the Congress begins. Each workshop last 3 hours, offers a greater return for your education investment, and affords attendees a better, overall, congress experience. Workshop titles will be posted soon.
Certification (COMMON – A User Group)
As a benefit to Common Europe members, we are pleased to offer Congress attendees industry certifications developed and exclusive to COMMON – A User Group members – our sister group in North America. These certifications will be offered on only Sunday, 16 June, at 14:00-17:00 and are available to you at a deep discount. You must pre-register for the exam.
Certification exams offered include:
- a) Business Computing Associate
- b) Business Computing Professional
- c) ILE RPG
- d) Associate RPG developer
- For additional informational on the certification requirements, please visit
Plan to Register Early and Save!
Members who register early will save by taking advantage of the early-bird registration rate discount.
Members include direct active members of Common Europe and active members of Common Europe-affiliated user groups.
Non-members of Common Germany, Common Europe, or a Common Europe-affiliated user group pay additional.
Du 16.06.2019 au 19.06.2019