COMMON Europe invites COMMON Romandie members to join a unique 2-day event, uniting more than 12  user groups in a FREE virtual conference.

IBM User Group Days 19/20 May.

A large event with a lot of different user groups organizations  Also Common Europe and Common North America.

On 19 and 20 May, a comprehensive selection of live, interactive lessons, demos, advice sessions and more, will be available online, featuring IBM professionals, partners, customers and users. This includes 4 sessions organized by Common Europe on 20 May from 14.00 featuring expert European speakers.

  • Koen Decorte
  • Mats Lidström
  • Niels Liisberg
  • Rudi van Helvoirt

If you want to learn more about everyday technologies and grow your skillset or simply start a conversation or ask a question to an expert, IBM User Group Days is the event to be!

To register for this event and for more information about the content and sessions available, click on this link: